Trainer Info: July 28-29

Location: Central Office, 2nd Floor Conference Room

Please Announce: Parking restrictions for D97 staff have been lifted, but street cleaning signs still need to be obeyed. Please save the spots in the Central Office parking lot for the folks who work there as a courtesy to them. FYI... Tomorrow is Kindergarten Registration so parking could be a huge hassle.

Note: Changes for this final session

  1. Pat Gallo will be subbing for me on Wednesday between 8:00-11:00 AM.  There is always setup to do when we change locations, so please plan to pitch in to setup the room upon arrival.
  2. Adrienne Court will be subbing for me on Thursday between 1:00-4:00. Please help by getting all the paperwork down to my desk.
  3. Pat and Adrienne will have signed time sheets for participants and they will be keeping track of those so they get processed tomorrow.
  4. Dell Training earns 6 hours of pay, but some people are also including the time they spent picking up their laptops. The payroll sheets need to be adjusted to reflect only 6 hours.
  5. A message was sent to all district staff today reminding teachers to pickup their laptops in the 2nd floor conference room. This could cause some confusion, since the training is actually taking place in that room for the next two days so expect to send people down to the 1st Floor Conference Room.


Trainers: AM and PM
One regular training session with two trainers will be held in the 2nd floor conf. room for the AM and PM sessions.
  • Sarah
  • Katy

First Training Goal:
Participants have been told they need to pickup their laptops prior to the training session and some may be straggling in. Some may also be coming from Brooks. The first goal is to make them feel comfortable and let them know they have not missed anything.

Atomic Learning Assessment
I have created illustrated  step-by-step directions for getting started with the Atomic Learning Assessment. See Atomic Learning Help on the agendaThese directions will help the trainers too. Please take a look at them and direct people to them as they show up for training.

Good Advice: Divide the Work
Talk with your training partner to break up sections you will be leading, based on the agenda.