Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Dell Training Conclusion

Dell Training has been a success thanks to each and every one of you! You are greatly appreciated and recognized as talented, creative, and professional teachers. Working with you this summer has been quite a pleasure. What a team! Thank you.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Congratulations on another successful week of Dell Training! In my opinion, the best comment received on a training evaluation form to date simply said "Great Digital Leaders!" I couldn't agree more. Enjoy your weekend and please read the information in the post below if you are a trainer next week. We are moving back to Central Office.

Moving back to Central Office

The final Dell Training Sessions of the summer will be held next week at Central Office. Information about parking and more for each session has been published in a tab at the top of this blog, so please check that before you arrive on Monday morning and breathe a sigh of relief. It is getting so much easier with all of the experience and expertise you have developed!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Many thanks to our trainers so far!

Dell Training is in full swing and it is half way over too. It's time to recognize those who have  trained successfully! Thank you for doing such a great job with this. You are all amazing!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Trainer spot filled: July 19th-20th, PM

We have found a trainer for the session on July 19th-20th. Thanks Sue!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Training: July 13-14

We have moved to Brooks. Participants have been told they need to pickup their laptops prior to the training session and some may be straggling in. The first goal is to make them feel comfortable and let them know they have not missed anything.

New Digital Leaders and I will greet the participants at the door and point them to the lists with room numbers. We can also help them access the Dell Training Day 1 Agenda and then help them get going on the Atomic Learning Assessment. I have created illustrated  step-by-step directions for getting started with the Atomic Learning Assessment. These are linked to the agenda and named Atomic Learning Help. These directions will help the trainers too.

I will be at Brooks by 8:00 tomorrow. Feel free to arrive early for last minute questions and brainstorming. You may want to dress in layers. It has been a bit cold at Brooks this week.

The training sessions have been going well and the teams for tomorrow look really good. I will be in the building working with new Digital Leaders the entire time and can lend you a hand if you need it.

Training Session 1: (AM)
Trainers: Phyllis and Allison

Training Session 2: (AM)
Trainers: Debbie and Gloria

Training Session 3: (PM)
Trainers: Allison and Susan D.

Training Session 4: (PM)
Trainers: Phyllis and John

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

We're Moving - Week of July 12th

All Dell Training Sessions and Digital Leader Work Sessions will be held at Brooks next week. If you are scheduled to train, please let me know you are aware of this change by submitting a quick comment below.
Please stay tuned for details.